What's in your Easter basket?
Monday, April 02, 2007
Posted by Meeta K. Wolff
I think Easter is a holiday loved by all young and old. I personally love Easter because it marks a change to my favorite time of year. I think about picnics, barbecues, relaxing in my hammock. For Soeren he likes Easter because of the excitement and fun an Easter hunt brings along with it - and of course the candy, sweets and chocolates.
Does it always have to be tons of sweets and chocolates in the basket? Tom and I discussed this last year and decided to try and create a more or less candy-free Easter basket for Soeren. The result was that he did not even realize that there was less candy in his basket.
He was happy with the other items we had placed that the lack of sweet things went unnoticed.
This year we're doing the same thing. We've discussed this with the grandparents and uncles etc. and all have agreed to cut down on their offerings of sweets in Soeren's baskets.
So what are the alternatives that one has? I admit going to the stores becomes a bit of a tough task finding quality items to fill the basket and often I find myself in the chocolate aisle thinking "maybe just this one treat!" It's easier as there is a larger and newer variety every year.
Here's what I did this year. I made a list of a few items that Soeren needs and might like to have.
The list looks pretty good and I thought I'd share it with you. Maybe you would like to use one of the ideas for your own candy-free basket.
What about you? What's going into your Easter basket? We would love to hear your ideas and thoughts on this.
Our first event on the Daily Tiffin this month is Show Us Your Lunchbox. Hope you will join us and allow us to peak into your lunch. Deadline April 20th.
Are you interested in contributing to The Daily Tiffin? Drop us an email: blogmeeta@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing your ideas.
This Post was written by Meeta from What's For Lunch, Honey?
We went with craft items (stamps and stamp pad, paper, markers, a huge book of great stickers), small water-themed figurines that he can use in the tub (scuba diver, octopus, fish, etc.), bubble-blowing tools, a water bird whistle, and one pack of Skittles, which will be split up among the 12 plastic eggs for his egg hunt.