Tiffin Tuesday - Let them eat cake

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Posted by Anonymous

This is a lunchbox I packed recently.

The meatballs (you could use falafel or other veg patties) were made the night before. I saved the heart of a bibb lettuce, planning to use it in the salad bowl part of this lunch. Prep time: 5 minutes - fill leftover dressing in small bottle, quarter the salad heart, a tomato and chop a radih, add a few scallion greens.

After packing so much health food I have added one of my favorite lunchbox treats: a yogurt semolina cake, drizzled with lemon syrup. he beauty of this cake is that it keeps moist, doesn't crumble and can be cut into whatever space you have left in your lunchbox. Now all you need for a perfect break is a mug of coffee or hot chocolate on the side :-)

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This Post was written by Petra from FoodFreak


I think this could be very easily Soeren's lunchbox!! He loves meatballs and cake. As i have to always prepare a lunchbox for two snacks (small morning snack and afternoon tea) I often pack meatballs and a bit of veggies and bread for the morning snack and cake for the afternoon tea.

But I loves your idea about falafels. This I have to try!

Meeta K. Wolff said...
July 23, 2008 at 10:10:00 AM GMT+2  

I love this idea , the best part is that its got dessert too.. one doesnt feel that they are missing out on the cake!

Dee said...
July 23, 2008 at 6:50:00 PM GMT+2  

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