Show Me Your Lunchbox - Deadline Extended
Friday, March 23, 2007
Posted by Meeta K. Wolff
Our first event on the Daily Tiffin is, as expected, a bit slow. We have 5 entries to date. We also got emails telling us that they wish they had heard about the event earlier. So, we have decided to extend the deadline for "Show Me Your Lunchbox."
As of today the deadline is set for April 20th.
Here's how it works:
- Create any kind of healthy and happy packed lunch. It can be a lunchbox, a lunch bag or whatever you use to pack your lunch in. Blog about it anytime from now till April 20th, 2007.
- Email your entry with your name, the name of your blog and your permalink by April 20th, 2007.
- In your post please include a link to this post, so your readers get an opportunity to take part if they are interested. .
- If you do not have a blog, simply email your entry, with a picture (if you would like us to add a picture) to
Add this event to your Goolge calendar!

So, c'mon people let us have a peak into your packed lunches.
Here is the roundup to this event.
Are you interested in contributing to The Daily Tiffin? Drop us an email: We look forward to hearing your ideas.