Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Forty is the New Thirty?

Or so I thought so after I turned forty last year. I'm feeling better than I felt when I turned thirty, I'm comfortable with what I've accomplished in life and I positively believe I have a lot to live for.

So, what's my problem?

I'm forty-one is what's my problem. No longer do I go for the routine physical at my family doctor's. Now I get phone calls from his office reminding me of that" shot" I should be having.

Or that I REALLY should get a flu shot this year (something I've avoided thus far in my life).

I am now getting phone calls with more unusual requests from my doctor's nurse. I received a call to book an appointment for my annual physical and that I should expect "the finger" or er...a brief check to see if the prostate's okay.

It hit me. Forty is not the new thirty and that my life has indeed changed with my introduction into this new decade. I feel great, approach life with zeal but now I have new things to worry about.

Being in your forties means having an active lifestyle, being physically & mentally fit and taking preventative measures to ensure that continued good health.

The other phone call I received was to have my bone density checked. I asked the nurse if there was something with me that raised a red flag and she just replied, "no, you're in your forties and this is now a standard procedure. It's not just women who are developing osteoporosis - men are developing it in increasing numbers too!"

I've embraced the new thirties (the forties), which means a battery of medical check-ups, diagnostics and reassurances that everything's going to be all right.

You should too!

This Post was written by Peter Minakis

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  1. Well, I turned 39 on Oct 28th. The week prior to that, I went to the eye doc, the ears/nose/throat specialist for a hearing test, primary doc for check up and female doc (and was told I now have to get a mamgram - yuck). I figured I'd get a jump start on the 40's. Lol. Good luck to you with the appointments. Embrace it and know that it's preventative and that's a good thing!

  2. Peter, your doctors are far more aggressive than our docs out here. It's a good idea to be all caught up with all those tests but equally important to eat healthy, sleep well and be happy! This is the 42nd year of your life. Just like me! It is *the* year of our lives - because the answer to the ultimate question is 42, remember?! Everything is therefore already alright!!

    Great to have you on DT!

  3. hahah, a reality check, huh Peter! yes, things do change, but that's part of life, and probably advisable too, upto a certain extent! prevention is better than cure, and happiness works better than medicine!:)

  4. Ha ha Peter...this is hysterical! I'm about to hit 41 in a couple of days (yes, am the true Scorpion with a sting, well sometimes).Envy us one calls to check on you or your bone density etc. When you fell unwell or even if you don't, totter up to the doc & ask to be seen! Happy Belated Birthday; they sure know how to rub it in!!

  5. Peter, first - it's super to have you on the team! This article really made me smirk. I had to read it to my husband who turns 40 next year. His comment "yup we'll be getting up 3 times to go to the bathroom at night and actually going once!"

    I guess the thing is how you feel. Healthy, happy and full of life. Wishing you all the best!
