Wednesday, August 20, 2008

We've got the look!

If you've just dropped by and are wondering if this is the right blog - let us reassure you: Yes this is the Daily Tiffin in all it's newest glory.

What do you think?

For the past several weeks we have been changing, moving, organizing, de-cluttering and re-structuring many things behind the scenes. We've created a "back office" team who is responsible for various tasks like new design, organizational issues, events and marketing to name a few. It sure is a lot of work managing a team blog and I would like to thank everyone on the team for all the effort they have put into keeping The Daily Tiffin going.

One person in particular has spent an enormous amount of time and effort. Suganya was the driving force behind this wonderful new layout. The rest of us pitched in with ideas and suggestions, but it was Suganya who spent hours tweaking the template and designing this gorgeous layout.
Suganya, on behalf of the entire Daily Tiffin Team, I would like to thank you for all your efforts.

Suganya is off on a well deserved vacation now and the rest of the back office team will be tweaking a few things here. So, if you find things wonky or out of place please excuse us and do drop us an email or leave us a comment if you are viewing something that does not look right.

In the meantime, it's business as usual and we'll be posting great articles you enjoy reading.

Take care!

Are you interested in contributing to The Daily Tiffin? Drop us an email: We look forward to hearing your ideas.

This Post was written by Meeta from What's For Lunch, Honey?


  1. Love the fresh new look, and congrats to all who worked so hard on the site!

  2. What a wonderful change! It looks gorgeous. Well done!

  3. I think we should have some foodie pics.

  4. Thanks for your feedback. Glad you like it.

    NM - as this is not exclusively a food blog we wanted a more general layout. Fresh and clean! Some where, we hope, people would feel good when visiting.

  5. I think it looks great! refreshing and easy to use! kudos to all for the hard work that went in, especially Sugs!:)

  6. Yay! Love the colors! Kudos to Sug and the entire team!!

  7. Love your new look! So colorful and sharp!

  8. thanks everyone! Mansi and Manisha - your wonderful ideas went into this too. So take a bit of credit!

  9. I just found you but the layout looks lovely.. I can't wait to read your food blogs.. I just baked macrons for the first time really.. it was fun delight..

  10. Wonderful fresh new look!

  11. It looks beautiful! so fresh and lively! I just checked at Wiki what is it with these bentos which I keep seeing here. Blogging is surely helping me improve my general knowledge of international food ;)

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