Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Tiffin Tuesday - Midsummer picknick

The 21st of June is celebrated as midsummer here in Sweden* and I packed bentoboxes to bring on a celebratory picknick.

Most of the food is Swedish food that's somewhat typical to have at parties like midsummer. The upper box contains brussel sprouts, a hardboiled egg, locally grown ripe and luscious strawberries (drooool!), chili cheese bits on picks instead of meatballs for me, and baked red beets (typically it should be salad but I don't like them in a salad).
The lower layer is filled mostly with tiny new potatoes baked in the shell - they're not bigger than the cheese bits! Then there are some more brussel sprouts and a silicone muffin cup of pickled herring sill with cream and caviar sauce and a blue pick for easier eating.

There were a lot of potatoes, prepared to share with the BF.

His box contains the same stuff, except for the sill, which he doesn't like. It's replaced with red beet salad, which I in turn am not too fond of :)
Although I have to pat my own shoulder here and say that since I made it myself, it's actually not that bad - for red beet salad...

Have a happy summer, everyone!

*) It's summer solstice everywhere else as well, but it's not as hugely celebrated outside scandinavia, I think...

Are you interested in contributing to The Daily Tiffin? Drop us an email: blogmeeta@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing your ideas.

This Post was written by jokergirl from WereRabbits.


  1. oh my - that is a gorgeous looking box. As always - colorful, well balanced and totally scrumptious!

  2. they seem to come out of a store shelf but better.. congrats!!
