Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Tiffin Tuesday - Small Pasta, Big Taste

While noodles make a great addition to your lunchbox, the choices seem to be somewhat limited - from spaghetti nests to farfalle, from soba to ravioli on a stick. But the noodles used in pasta salads were too massive for my bento purposes.

Lately I discovered small pasta shapes like mini farfalle, quadrucci, ditali - and in this case sorpresine noodles from DeCecco. They unfold to tiny little flower shapes and have the size of a small pea, which makes them just about perfect for pasta salad to be stuffed into veggies.

And with a colorful and tasty shell like roma tomatoes you'll add zing and nutritional value, too.

This pasta salad consists of sorpresine egg noodles, peas, some diced mortadella sausage, and mayo. For crunch and munch I've added a red radish and some cucumber on the side. Second tier: a peach, an organic kiwi, a handful of organic walnuts and an orange pudding from the Asian market.

Since I made the pasta salad the night before, all I had to do in the morning was scoop the seeds out of the tomato halves, fill in the pasta salad, and pack the fresh fruit - packing time 5 minutes, including peeling the kiwifruit.

Are you interested in contributing to The Daily Tiffin? Drop us an email: blogmeeta@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing your ideas.

This Post was written by Petra from FoodFreak


  1. Looks delicious. Where do you find such organized lunchboxes!? I need to get my hands on a couple of those!

  2. The food looks pretty organized too and I love the combination of shapes, sizes and colours. I can almost taste it. That "almost" was your clue to say "oh, don't worry, I'll send it right over"

  3. Beautiful presentation! So colourful and neatly arranged.
