Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Rooster in the Hen Pen!


We have news for you all ... we have a new member on our team and we are rather excited about this. Why? Well this member will be bringing on new wind to the Daily Tiffin and offering a different point of view to many topics, ideas, and themes. Ladies, please help me to welcome our first man on the Daily Tiffin team!

Dharm lives in Malaysia, loves to cook and bake, is a pretty nice guy and has a great sense of humor. Wait, wait - before you all send us your stats and dating requests there is a hitch. Dharm is happily married to a lovely lady and has two adorable kids.

Here is Dharm in his own words:

I'm from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and a Mechanical Engineer by profession. I've always had a passion for food, both eating and cooking. When I was younger, I used to help my Mom with the the baking while I really only started cooking once I went to University in Australia. I soon found that cooking was a great way to meet women! Now happily married and blessed with two lovely children, my cooking and baking revolves around the family. I have always loved to write and have a great interest in photography as well. So what better way to combine my love of food, writing, photography and cooking for my family than to maintain a blog at Dad ~ Baker & Chef

Dharm will be writing many great articles, so hope you tune in once a month to check out news, life and other information from a man's point of view.

His first article will be on November 30th - you'll be surprised at what this guy can do!

We've got a few other surprises coming your way too so keep an eye on this space!

Are you interested in contributing to The Daily Tiffin? Drop us an email: We look forward to hearing your ideas.


  1. Welcome, Dharm! Looking forward to having you share a dad's perspective on the DT.

  2. Thanks for the warm welcome. Quite excited about contributing to DT.

  3. Yup! It's so awesome to have you on board. I too am waiting for all the men's advice and infos you will be giving us. As a matter of fact I was chatting to one of my German friends yesterday and told her of all the things you have planned. She was so curious that she told me to translate every word you plan to write. Good luck!
