Monday, August 06, 2007

Big rolls of paper art fun

Our home would be missing something if we didn't have a huge roll of paper that we can call on at a moments notice when there isn't very much else going on.

Read more for some ideas on what we do with ours. What do you do with yours?

1. We roll it out and then one of us lies on the paper and another draws around whoever is lying down. The person lying down then gets up and we all draw the details on - hair, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, clothes, etc, etc. When we're feeling a bit mad we also draw imaginary details on like alien antennae or very large clown shoes, you get the idea. If you have children who like to do their own drawing then just draw around each person and that person can then decorate however they wish. (Excuse the poor pic.)

2. We do landscape scenes with a theme, e.g. The sea or the time that land forgot with lots of dinosaurs. We stick these to the walls for a few days, but then they come down and are either folded up and put away or binned (in the recycling bin of course).

3. We make up a story and then start drawing at one end. We all get to have a go at making up the story and adding to the picture. We quite often end up with something completely different to what we started with.

The RULES are that nobody is allowed to criticise what somebody else has drawn or any ideas that anybody has. All ideas and drawings are praised! Quite important when you've got children of mixed ages and abilities.

We have used rolls of lining wallpaper but our current role was bought at IKEA, for not much money at all.

Are you interested in contributing to The Daily Tiffin? Drop us an email: We look forward to hearing your ideas.

This Post was written by Amanda from Little Foodies.


  1. Oh Amanda! I love you for this. Tom's dad gave us two huge roles of paper from their plotter over the weekend. I was wonderful what the hec we could do with that and now you come with this awesome post. I love the idea of one of us lying down and then other drawing the outline. This would be a great idea for Soeren's birthday party too. You are an angel. HUGS!!

  2. We have a huge one left from the days my father in law worked at the paper mill and you just gave me some great ideas for when I babysit the neighbor's kids!

  3. Thanks Meeta and Helen,
    It's just something different to handing out a few sheets of paper. I may even throw a role in the car for our holiday!

    and Meeta I thought you were still wonderful... heehee!

  4. When I grew up, I always had a big roll of paper in my room. It's so convenient and it never seems to run out! The fantasy can really run wild if you have a canvas that's only delimited by the amount of free floor space in your room...


  5. thank you! I have a roll from IKEA, a rainy forecast, and two small children. You've blessed us . . .
