Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Tiffin Tuesday

Parents who prepare lunch boxes for their kids day in and day out know how difficult it is to try and be creative, offer nutritious lunches and at the same time make it fun enough for kids to eat. So, we do hope that our ideas and suggestions help you pack great boxes for your kids.

Soeren's packed boxes are not filled with "lunch." He gets a warm lunch at his Kindergarten (KIGA), prepared by a very good and healthy lunch service from our local clinic. Soeren's boxes contain a small breakfast, which he eats with his KIGA group, and a afternoon snack, which is taken after the afternoon nap. AHHH! The luxury life of a 4 year old.

When I pack these boxes for him I try always to include 2 types of fruit. That is always (almost) my basis. Once I have that sorted out I can quickly do the rest.

This packed lunch box contains succulent plums and juicy grapes - organic of course. Half a pretzel spread with cream cheese a few cucumbers makes a wonderful alternative to normal bread. And for the afternoon I have packed a gorgeous puff pastry filled with raspberries and apples from our local baker.

The fact that Soeren almost always brings an empty lunch box home always puts a satisfied smile on my face. I am especially curious when I have put something new in the box and sometimes can hardly wait to see if he ate it all up.

What kind of things do your kids like packed in the lunch box? What do they absolutely hate? Share your experiences with us.


We need your help! Please take a second and give us your opinion here.

Are you interested in contributing to The Daily Tiffin? Drop us an email: blogmeeta@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing your ideas.

This Post was written by Meeta from What's for lunch, Honey?

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