Monday, November 13, 2006

Update: The (new) Daily Tiffin

Hi everyone,

It's time for an update for the (new) Daily Tiffin.

After I mentioned in this post that I would be finding it difficult to do daily posts on the Daily Tiffin I had a flood of emails. Including emails from a few that were interested in taking an active part on the Daily Tiffin.

Well, the good news is that the Daily Tiffin has gained a few great team members and we have plenty of new ideas coming up soon. I am just completing the last of the administration work and will be putting up a post about the "new" Daily Tiffin.

The DT team now consists of 2 (soon to be 3) co-administrators and 1 contributor. So, look out for a variety of new and interesting posts coming your way here on the Daily Tiffin. Those wondering - yes we will be having lunchbox ideas too!

Thank you all for being so patient and helpful.



  1. Meeta, I'm so excited to be joining up with you! I love your site, and am really looking forward to doing some things in the same spirit as your wondeful lunches. xo, BL

  2. Meeta, you forgot to link me the
    " weekly Recipe contributor"!:)

  3. Hi meeta, you've a nice theme going on ,looking fwd to see all your delicious posts :)

  4. hey meeta i might make a contribution every now and then if you will accept them...
    - d
