Friday, October 13, 2006


Friday!! Yaaay! It's going to be a pretty awesome weekend. Tom's mum celebrates her birthday - I'll be driving Soeren there today. We'll follow tomorrow afternoon. This is due to the Onion festival, which is held every year in Weimar. This takes place each year on the second October weekend. The whole town is filled with autumn colored stalls. One can sip wine and eat through all of the goodies on offer. It is called the onion festival (in German "Zwiebelmarkt") because it celebrates the harvest of fruit and vegetables. It dates back to 1653, when it was mentioned for the first time. It got it's name due to the lovely bouquets the farmers' wives made from the onions and garlic. This year it marks 353 years!!

Every year the Onion festival is also highlighted with the City Marathon. And every year Tom and his University team take part. The festival takes place over the entire weekend and there is so much happening that one just does not know where to go. In the last few years it has become a real tourist attraction and Weimar City becomes a place where you do not want to be caught with a car. Busloads of tourists are brought into the city cramming the small quaint streets.

For us who live in Weimar, we always visit on Friday evenings as it is still more or less tourist free!! They come on Saturday/Sunday.

Now to the lunchbox: I realized after I finished the lunchbox today that the carrot has a very prominent presence. The bread is from a gorgeous carrot/pumpkin seed loaf. If you look closely you can see bits of carrots in it. I spread this with plain cream cheese. The scrambled eggs are made with cheese, peas and grated carrots and there are a few carrot slices for good measure. The fruits are plentiful too - mangoes, peaches and pears. Where are the pears? you ask. In that luscious Canadian Pear and chocolate cake.

Adult Variation:
No changes to this one today. It would be a real shame. If you like a bit of ham or bacon in the eggs you can always throw a handful, but it also tastes great the way it is.

Have a fab weekend, folks!!


  1. Got a recipe for the bread? We're a carb-lovin' family.

  2. Sorry. I hardly ever bake any bread myself. Living in Germany one is so spoilt for choice here that it would be really no use if I did bake.
