Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Zucchini, Oranges and Apricots

Two days to go to Robbie!!

The heat is stifling ... but I am still NOT complaining. Only this: It has not rained for a few weeks and my garden is looking more like something from a dried up desert than a lush green and colored paradise!!

Yesterday, I got some great organic zucchinis and for dinner I just sauteed them in olive oil and garlic and sprinkled some og my herb mixture on top. Great! Soeren got a few in his sandwich. Also spread with cream cheese and some Italian ham. Organic carrots and apricots and juicy orange wedges go along with this. A lovely chocolate cake with dark cherries (bakery) and a great chocolate almond chip cookie we baked yesterday as a special treat.

Adult Variation: Would you change this one today? No? Neither would I!
Have a great lunch!


  1. Hi Meeta, I've been reading your posts and love the imaginitive and creative ways you prepare Soeren's lunches! One question. On hot days like we have now, how do you keep every cool and fresh - especially the fruit? Does the laptop box provide room for an icepack?

  2. I normally keep a small gel icepack in soeren's backpack. the youghurts etc. for into the fridge in the kiga until he eats it - so it works out OK. In the KIGA he eats part of it in the morning around 08:15 am and the rest in the afternoon after the afternoon nap. At the KIGA he gets a warm lunch.
