I thought I would give this a test run and see how would work out if I used just the one for both snacks. Well it is looking good!
In my write up I will not be differeniating between morning and afternoon snack as I have decided to let Soeri pick what he wants to eat when. I think with almost 4 he is grown up enough to make the choice. I had actually thought of starting with little tags for the KIGA teacher "Morning" "Afternoon", but thought better of it.
This is a new level for Soeri too as he was kind of surprised to be getting just the one and excited when I told him it was up to him what to eat and when.
This box contains a great dark German "Beer" bread made with malt, flax, sesame and sunflower seeds. I added some margerine and a slice of cream cheese. With this he has the nice wiener that I cut up to fit and a few crunchy baby carrots. In the yellow container is his favorite youghurt with chocolate biscuit bits. The fruit container has some gorgeous black grapes. Furthermore, a nice and nutty "nussecke".
Adult Variation:
I thought we could go for a salad with the wiener. In Germany this is called a "Wurst" salad - sausage salad. It isn't normally made with the hot dog but it would be a great variation. So, simply cut up the wiener in slices and chop up half an onion. Add a bit of corn and some grated carrot. Now, just pour some of your favorite dressing, or rather take it in the separate container. This tastes great with any nice roll and cheese. The rest of the box is great the way it is. Of course instead of the chocolate biscuits in the youghurt you can add a handful of granola or some frozen berries.
You, know what as I am on my way to Cologne for a business trip I took this lunch box with me on the train. Soeri will be staying and relaxing at home this week. I am looking forward to the regular daily post and I hope you will join me once again prepare the daily tiffin.
nice to see that you have made your photos better than before and as usual its a pleasure to read your posts
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